2017年の年明けにニューヨークの作家Hodaya Louisの展示会を開催いたしました。
タイトルである「All your perfect imperfections」を直訳すると「あなたの完全なる不完全」。つまり、あなたの良いところも悪いところもすべてひっくるめてあなたですよ、と私なりに解釈しています。
To me, the term “perfect imperfections” expresses what love is, that something we consider “flaw”, through the eyes of a person that loves is, is not a flaw, it’s a character. It’s what makes a person unique. When I was painting that girl, I made few mistakes and spilled some ink, and so I thought the painting was not good, but few days later I looked at it again and saw that even the rough brush strokes and the “dirty” look of the black ink, made her look so beautiful and unique.
